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Cheap Auto Insurance in Chesapeake, VA

In the market for cheap auto insurance in Chesapeake, VA? From, anyone can find some of the lowest priced insurance premiums near their home. To receive free car insurance estimates offered by many of the best providers immediately, provide your postal code within the quote box on this site.

cheap car insurance chesapeake virginia

Chesapeake isn’t just a big city with a lot of roads, buildings, and concrete; its land area is diversified with forests, farmland, and protected nature preserves like the Great Dismal Swamp. It is also a coastal city with a significant amount of commercial, residential, and industrial waterfront property.

  • Fun fact: How do you feel about wide, open spaces? Because Chesapeake is #25 on the list of “Top 100 cities with largest land areas”. Learn more about Chesapeake by clicking here.

Coverage Requirements - Auto Insurance in Virginia

Driving legally in Chesapeake requires:

Coverage Requirements Most Common
Liability Bodily Injury 30,000/55,000 100,000/300,000
Liability Property Damage 20,000 50,000
Bodily Injury - Motorist Uninsured 30,000/55,000 100,000/300,000
Medical Payments Not required 5,000
Collision Not required 250 deductible
Comprehensive Not required 0 deductible


Are you worried about auto theft, vandalism, or getting hit by another driver? If so, then you’re going to need more than just the state minimum requirements listed in the middle column above. Take a closer look at the right side of the table if you want to know what types and amounts of coverage you should be shopping for.

Here’s something you might not know about Virginia Car Insurance: the average motorist on the road right now is forking out around $93 each month, and that’s just for basic coverage. However, Chesapeake residents can get quality insurance for as low as $30/mo* if you let us show you how to shop around for the best deal.

Average Monthly Auto Insurance Premiums Legend: Chesapeake Erie Allstate Hartford ALFA Nationwide 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 $26 $26 $35 $28 $37


Between Erie and Allstate, it’s not hard to find a provider in Chesapeake who is willing to offer the average driver a lower rate. But we emphasize the word “average”. If there is something unique about your driver profile, such as poor credit or a storied accident history, you may not be able to get such good rates from them.

Those that offer auto insurance policies consider different elements when coming up with a quote, among them gender, where you live, occupation, driving distance to work, and theft protection devices. Furthermore, premiums may differ from amongst providers. To confirm that you’re still getting the most value, check cheap Chesapeake auto insurance quotes over the web.

Most Auto Insurance Facts to know in Chesapeake

When your car insurance agency prepares to craft your policy, usually they will take multiple variables into consideration. Some, for example your age or perhaps your specific address, are usually unfeasible to change. Some alternative variables might be:

  • Your Zip Code

Car insurance providers have to know your home (or the place you might be driving most often) as a way to determine the odds of any sort of accident. All of it boils down to a simple idea: the larger the human population, the more cars you’ll encounter while driving, and also the more chances you could have to get in a crash with or perhaps be crashed into by a different automobile. The population of Chesapeake is 230,571 and also the usual household earnings are $67,252.

Auto Insurance by Zip Code Legend: Chesapeake Norfolk Richmond Virginia Beach Newport News Erie Allstate Hartford ALFA Nationwide 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 $26 $26 $28 $26 $25 $26 $30 $30 $29 $30 $35 $34 $39 $36 $34 $28 $31 $34 $29 $29 $37 $42 $39 $39 $39


  • Automobile Accidents

On a per capita basis, your risk of getting into a Deadly accident in Chesapeake are much lower than in many other large cities across the country. However, overall, those numbers in the chart below are still high. And it’s likely that insurance rates in your area are artificially inflated because of the enhanced risk. Try asking your insurance agent if you qualify for any Safe Driving discounts that your provider may offer to try and offset the extra expense.

Deadly Accidents in Chesapeake, VA Legend: Chesapeake Deadly accident count Vehicles involved in Deadly crashes Deadly crashes involving drunk persons Deadlyities Persons involved in Deadly crashes Pedestrians involved in Deadly accidents 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 10 14 1 10 41 1


  • Car Thieving in Chesapeake

Getting the best price on car insurance could be a pain of you’re driving around in an expensive, flashy car – or even a low-cost yet highly popular model. Sometimes car thieves will target high-end vehicles for their profitable value; other times, they go for common models whose interchangeable spare parts are in high demand on the black market. The full number of stolen vehicles in the year 2013 fell to 280 for Chesapeake. The low per capita rate of auto theft means that you might be forking out too much for Comprehensive coverage if you have such coverage on your policy.

Basic vs. Comprehensive Auto Policy Legend: Basic Coverage Comprehensive Coverage Erie Allstate Hartford ALFA Nationwide 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 $26 $55 $26 $66 $35 $59 $28 $58 $37 $75


  • Your Credit Score

There are many states in the union where having a poor credit score will severely increase your monthly premiums. Regrettably, Virginia is one of those states, as you can see by looking at the chart below. Luckily, some more understanding providers (like Hartford) only increase your premiums by a moderate amount.

Auto Insurance by Credit Score Legend: Excellent Credit Poor Credit Erie Allstate Hartford ALFA Nationwide 10 20 30 40 50 60 $25 $45 $25 $43 $31 $45 $25 $48 $31 $64


  • Your Age

If you’re a parent with a teenage driver, or a young student trying to find insurance on your own, it’s going to be a very expensive struggle. But getting good grades and taking driving education courses will get you some helpful discounts.

Auto Policy Age Comparison Legend: 34 Year Old 17 Year Old Erie Allstate Hartford ALFA Nationwide 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 $26 $81 $26 $78 $35 $111 $28 $73 $37 $141


  • Your Driving Record

Your driving record is very important to Virginia insurance providers – perhaps more so than in other states. For the best rates, try to keep significant violations off your record, and shop around for an insurance company willing to offer “accident forgiveness” discounts.

Driving Violations Legend: Perfect Record Minor Speeding Ticket DUI/Reckless Driving Major At-Fault Accident Erie Allstate Hartford ALFA Nationwide 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 $26 $27 $42 $35 $26 $35 $76 $46 $35 $44 $76 $54 $28 $35 $97 Do Not Sell $37 $43 $40 $44


  • Your Vehicle

Ask any insurance agent, and they’ll all probably tell you the same thing: it’s too big of a financial risk to purchase less coverage than your vehicle is worth. Legally, under certain circumstances, it might be possible. But odds are that your insufficient coverage won’t pay out on any claims, and you will be 100% responsible for any and all expenses.

Car Insurance by Make/Model Legend: 2017 Honda Accord 2012 Porsche Boxster Spyder Erie Allstate Hartford ALFA Nationwide 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 $26 $67 $26 $92 $35 $81 $28 $77 $37 $99


Minor Car Insurance elements in Chesapeake

You might also find some savings (or avoid some expensive penalties) by forking out attention to the elements below:

  • Your Marital Status

Married couples, unlike single drivers, have the option to bundle their policies together. Also, if your insurance company offers many different types of financial products, you can add those to the total bundle for even more savings from your insurance company.

  • Your Gender

If you ask six different insurance companies whether men or women should be charged more for automobile insurance, you’ll likely get seven different answers. This is because there doesn’t exist any scientific data which shows one gender is riskier than the other. Many providers don’t even factor gender into their overall rate calculations anymore.

  • Your Driving Distance to Work

Driving may be a little bit of a hassle for those who live or work in Chesapeake. Average commute times generally run between 23 and 29 minutes each way, but trips as long as 35 minutes are also Regrettably common. The good news is that around 3-12% of motorists carpool; however, 84% of drivers on the road are operating their own vehicle alone in order to get to work on a daily basis. This elevated number of cars on the road can wreak havoc on your insurance rates!

How many miles do you think you would have to cut out of your daily commute in order to get a discount on your monthly premium? Five? Ten? The answer is actually closer to 15-20 miles per day. And that’s only for a moderate discount of 3-5%.

  • Your Coverage and Deductibles

Drivers who wish to reduce their monthly payments might want to consider raising their deductible. But you have to do some prep work first. Make sure you have the money for your premium in a savings account or other safe place. After all, you don’t want to get stuck without a vehicle if the worst happens and you can’t afford to pay that higher deductible.

  • Education in Chesapeake, VA

The majority of residents in Chesapeake have either already earned a high school diploma for themselves (28%) or are in the process of getting a college degree (17%). Upon graduation, this latter group will get an extra benefit along with their higher education in the form of cheaper auto insurance rates.

There are multiple different institutions for higher learning in and around the city of Chesapeake. The nearby Tidewater Community College campus offers certificates, degrees, and other relevant programs for enhancing your education. Other nearby cities, such as Norfolk or Virginia Beach, offer additional educational possibilities and are only a short drive away.

Auto insurance is probably the most critical financial investments you can possibly make as an automobile owner. You should be sure you obtain a legitimate, accountable organization that is able to follow through on their assurances. A few auto insurance agencies usually are greater at this as opposed to others, and doing a rigorous internet hunt will help you differentiate the good from the inadequate.

How We Conducted Our Car Insurance Analysis


Virginia Administration of Insurance Regulation

Virginia SCC – Bureau of Financial Institution

Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

Compare rates right now and save hundreds on your upcoming insurance payment.

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